My mission as a luthier is simple: create a guitar you just don't want to put down
A guitar with a sound so rich and vibrant that the simplest chord or even single note demands your attention. One that when picked up and strummed commands you to explore every fret and harmonic, voicings that combine open strings and the far reaches of the fret-board, delicate muted arpeggios and slamming windmill chords.
I make custom guitars. It's a culmination of a long and unhealthy obsession. I started taking apart perfectly good guitars with bad attitudes back in high school. I spent most of my life searching for a sound I could only rarely and partially find. I studied why things vibrate and respond the way they do. I spent my day job designing and building structures and electronics, testing and analyzing forces, modes, damping, resonances and music. Always the music, the more the acoustic guitar is showcased the better. Then one day I was in a lumber yard waiting for some help next to big pile of Western Red Cedar. It had beautiful dense grain and was oddly resonant. The man said they'd had it for ages. I took the nicest one home where it nagged me from the basement. Finally, I decided to try my hand at building something other than furniture from scratch. No kit, just a book, a lot of questions and a passion.